hello from costa rica!
i am sitting in an internet cafe only two or so blocks from my family's house! in heredia, there are so many similarities to city life. there are lots of people, places to eat, many little botiques, mini markets (sodas), pharmacies, people, taxis, cars, and buses. i am paying special attention when i cross the street...the cars don't stop at the stop signs and pedestrians do not have the right of way! YIKES!!! my first day was a bit overwhelming, tired from the plane, and finding my way in the city alone. my family is great and my "parents" speak english, which has been helpful of course. i have met up with a gal from switzerland (anita) in my class who lives two doors down with my "father's" sister and her family. we have been studying together and plan to travel also. it has been a gift to meet her. i didn't know how difficult it would be to travel alone...no one to talk to or explore with.
not to rub it in, but the weather is wonderful. it is like a warm summer day, not really humid, and it cools down in the evening. my "mother" went out this evening with a scarf on! i am in a skirt, flip-flops, and a long sleeve shirt!!:) muy frio y muy caliente (i think) school is good. there are so many words to practice and learn. it is coming though. at the school they only speak spanish. it is good for learning and practicing. i apologize, i feel like my english is so chopping. my brain is fried tonight with mas palabras.
i don't know about posting photos yet...i haven't even pulled my camera out. maybe this weekend.
thanks for following the adventure!
more to come...
¡Hola muchacha!
Es noche de martes, somos todos aquí y pensando en usted, por supuesto. Levantamos su blog esta noche y acabamos de faltamos sus noticias más recientes. Somos todos que ruegan para usted y nos alegramos alegres oír que su familia del anfitrión habla inglés. También, su classmate, Anita, sonidos como una bendición también. Le faltamos esta noche y sabemos que usted es donde le suponen estar. ¿La princesa del guerrero a que conocemos y el amor ha demostrado para arriba en Costa Rica todavía? Somos todos que aprenden que somos mujeres de la belleza. Tenga una gran semana y miraremos adelante a su mensaje siguiente del blog. Amor y bendiciones de sus hermanas en el grupo de estudio de la biblia de las mujeres de martes.
And here is your message in english (if you need to cheat):
Hello girl!
It's Tuesday night, we are all here and thinking of you, of course. We pulled up your blog tonight and just missed your most recent news. We are all praying for you and are glad to hear that your host family speaks english. Also, your classmate, Anita, sounds like a blessing too. We missed you tonight and we know you are where you are supposed to be. Has the Warrior Princess that we know and love shown up in Costa Rica yet? We are all learning that we are women of beauty. Have a great week and we will look forward to your next blog message. Love and blessings from your sisters at Tuesday Women's Bible Study group.
Oh Steffy! It's so good to hear that you made it down to Costa Rica all right. I'm so excited to see that God brought you someone that you can travel with. That is definately a blessing from God. I hope that your spanish class is not too overwhelming, and that you will learn alot. Can't wait to read another blog about what is going on down in Costa Rica. Love ya!
Beth Bradford
Sooo great to hear from you! That is GREAT that you have met up with some other girls to travel & explore with! Next place you'll be traveling is Switzerland!! tee hee! Can't wait to see pictures! I hope you con't to write in English to us back home! :-) Best of luck as you immerse yourself...Such a treasurable experience! We love you. I check your site daily! XOXO, Nikki
I am so happy to hear you are ok, God has carried you and will continue to protect you. I am so happy to hear you have a new friend,it makes it a little easier to speak english once and a while. I just left clase de español and I was thinking about you, it is great to hear from you. I have to do a presentation in clase on a spainish speaking country and I was able to get Cuba, I am so excited! I will keep you posted about my job opportunity. Miro la computadora muchas para tus palabras. Muchas bendiciones mi hermana.
En Cristo su hermana,
So glad to hear you made it and things are going well. I am glad it is not humid, like a normal summer day in KY.
Well I am so glad hooked you up with Anita. I would say this has the makings of a "Holy Hook-up."
Just wanted you to know that we love you and we look forward to hearing every bit of new from CR.
In Our Prayers,
Pastor Ed
Hello My Lovely,
I was so happy to see that you arrived safely and that the Lord is already blessing you and working things for His and your good. Reading your first letter from CR, regarding learning the language quickly, reminded me of a passage I read in a book that a friend gave me. It is a book of promises from God with the perspective that we are as women "His Princesses". So I leave you with this...
"My Princess...speak life with my words. My child, I love your mouth because it is Mine-ready to be filled with My words. Did you know that I've annointed your beautifuol lips with the power to speak life to a lifeless world? While others are using their lips to spread worthless words, you My princess, have the priviledge of changing people's perspectives and impowering them to make life changing choices that point them to me. Your words will be more valuable than priceless jewels. I want you to come to Me in prayer every day. I will line your lips with love, wisdom, and encouragement and make your mouth My masterpiece for all who see you speak. Love, Your King and Couselor."
"-Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise. Use His words to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus." -Colossians 3:16-17
Sending you my love, my thoughts, and my prayers. -Ali B
Its so good to hear that God is blessing you already with friends and english speaking "parents"! Its also good to hear that the weather is treating you well. I am so excited to hear more about your journey and class! God is doing some amazing things in and through you! How exciting it is to see His plan for you unfold! I am praying big time for you! Take care and know that you are soooo loved by all of us back at home:)
In Him,
Stu, You sound wonderful! What an adventure! I ditto nikki's comment about writing us in English :-). I cannot wait to hear about all your experiences. I will check in again soon! I am so happy you are doing well. Love, Lindy
Hey Stepher...I sure hope you took your camera out! We need to "share" in what you are seeing! Thinking of you, can't wait to see your beautiful face in CR! Lots of love, Nikki
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