Update 5-15-11
Thank you to all of you who have supported this ministry and these girls. Life will not be the same…never static or stagnant. Thank you for loving!
I will be spending the next few months, January to May, at Prince of Peace Home for Girls in Guatemala. I've been approached by several people and I'm overwhelmed by the interest in and support of my trip south. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm extremely grateful for the offers of support, well wishes, and prayers. And, I hope you follow me as I share life with those young ladies on this very blog. I have a feeling it's going to be exciting!!!
Thank you to all of you who have supported this ministry and these girls. Life will not be the same…never static or stagnant. Thank you for loving!
I will be spending the next few months, January to May, at Prince of Peace Home for Girls in Guatemala. I've been approached by several people and I'm overwhelmed by the interest in and support of my trip south. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm extremely grateful for the offers of support, well wishes, and prayers. And, I hope you follow me as I share life with those young ladies on this very blog. I have a feeling it's going to be exciting!!!
Many of you have asked how you can be involved and have expressed interest in financial support. I am not in need of raising money for my expenses while there, but the girls living in the home do have needs. I wanted to offer a way for you to partner with me. After some email exchanges, I became aware of the need for good clothing, especially those the girls can wear to church. Because I will be traveling alone, I have limited space (and hands) to carry extra luggage filled with these clothes. My hope is to raise money as a gift to these young ladies and to provide for a simple need. I would love for you to join me in this.
Financial gifts are possible through PayPal. If you have a PayPal account, you can click on the ChipIn button on the right sidebar of the page ("Giving to Guatemala"). This link will take you to a page that allows you to make a contribution through a PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, and do not wish to create one, please send me an email and we'll find a way to make the contribution happen:)! Email Steph.
Tax-receipts are not provided if given through the ChipIn on this blog. Please send your tax-deductible contribution to Prince of Peace Ministries, P.O. Bo 1344 Mt. Sterling, KY 40353. Please make checks payable to Prince of Peace Ministries. Also, if you mail in a contribution, it'd be great if you'd send me an email so I can add your contribution to our goal!
Thanks for your continued encouragement, support, and prayers.
We can do no great things; only small things with great love. -Mother Teresa
Thanks for your continued encouragement, support, and prayers.
We can do no great things; only small things with great love. -Mother Teresa