Sunday, December 30, 2007

Slipping away

My thoughts are slipping away. Do you ever have those moments when you think to yourself, "I need to write that down..." and you don't and then the thought is gone. This often happens to me when I'm slipping into sleep. My mind, as it continually rolls words and thoughts round and round, will bring me some really great ideas about the time I'm no longer interested in turning the light back on and finding a pen! It happended again last night and I told myself I'd remember today, but have not until now and even though I remember having the thought, I can't piece back together the parts to make a whole! Hhmm.

The last few days, some friends have been telling me I look tired! It's one of those moments when the inside has literally forced its way to the surface and it is spread all over my face. "I'm not tired per se, but just worn out," has been my response. It's been a busy year (FL to OR to FL to Puerto Rico to OR to FL to OR to Canada to FL to TX to FL to Argentina to Paraguay to FL to OR to FL and I think that's it!) and a crazy season the past month. So yes, I am a little worn out, but really it's been a ride!!!!!!!

I was looking over some notes last night. I carry a little notebook in my purse and write down notes of encouragement that others have shared or quotes that reach into my soul and strike a nerve and then reflect on them whenever I happen to open up the little book. I was reminded last night, life is about experiences, not finding and fulfilling a plan. The path or plan arises as we experience life. And today at church Ken reminded us that our destiny is lived out day to day, not pre-planned for we do not know the mind of God or how He might bring about life in our lives.

"Being alive is not the same as actually living." ----Are you alive or really living?

So, a few things in life are changing, but I'm not sharing the details because the plan keeps morphing! Bottom line, a few months here a few months there and in the fall I am hopeful to be in Seattle studying. In the meantime, I'm having a great time with friends in Orlando before another move. Christmas brought many opportunities of spending time with friends.

Liz, Janann, Shelly and I...some of the gals I meet with at Starbucks every Tuesday night!
We went to Disney for the day and then watched TinkerBell fly from the castle!;)

Erin, Shelly and I out on the town!

Sushi in Celebration with Melissa and Jennifer!

My Thursday morning ladies enjoying Christmas at EPCOT!
(MacKenzie, Meghan, and Brayshawna)

My house decorated for Christmas...or maybe that's Cinderella's castle!

Taste-testing Coca-Cola from around the world with MacKenzie and Meghan!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Yahoo! News Story - Comics and Editorial Cartoons: Close to Home on Yahoo! News

( has sent you a news article.
(Email address has not been verified.)
Personal message:

Anyone back in the NW want a baby alligator for the kids for Christmas?!?!?

Thanks cousin Sharon for finding this! A good laugh

Comics and Editorial Cartoons: Close to Home on Yahoo! News

Yahoo! News

Sunday, December 09, 2007

So much to say...

First, I hope this link works. I've seen a few of these passed around. This features Steph and some Orlando girlfriends, Melissa and Jennifer. Jen decided it would be funny to set our feet to dancing.

After you've enjoyed the link, there is really no easy way to share the whole story that leads me to the next statement...I'm driving home and moving my stuff with me. A turn of many circumstances and my own continued search for purpose and enjoyment for what seems to be living and moving about the country has brought me/is taking me back to OR. Again, I really don't know where to start and really don't know that all the details are even necessary. Suffice to say, I am well. Nothing negative here, unfortunate circumstance, but nothing God had not prepared my heart for. Funny how that works. I literally wrote some very significant things in my journal the morning of the day things here changed. If I start going into details, this blog will be 3 pages long, no I take that back, it would be a book. I've laughed about that with a friend here...she thinks I should be writing a book. The "happenings" have affected a few of us, but we are all fine. Thanks God. You'll get the story when we sit for a visit!

I am looking forward to this as I'm making plans to go back to school. The thought has crossed my mind a few times over the past year or two as I've transitioned places and jobs, but I could never decided on what to go back and study.

As much as I'm looking forward to the possibilities in the future, I'm again sad at leaving. Such is the case when moving and was the case moving here. My friend Alisa, college and long time pal, said to me last night..."None of us on this end are complaining!" Those words make a friend feel loved. Even so, I leave new friends here who I have experienced this chapter with. Just today at church one of them pulled me aside. He said, "Experiecne builds on experience. Go back knowing God is doing great things and with encouragement." I am, encouraged! Surreal, but I love adventure and this is another. At some point in life, I do hope to settle down. Until that factor, whatever it may be, presents itself, my feet will continue to take me along.

So, I didn't know if I'd ever get to drive across the country again, but here goes! I loved it last time and said I'd do it again...guess I get the opportunity.