Friday, January 18, 2008

1.1.08.RESOLUTE.enjoy life!

Ups and downs and all arounds, it's the journey that I'm learning to embrace. You have heard it said, "enjoy the journey, not the destination"...I'm really trying to live that rather than let it resound in the grey matter in which my center for decision making and living resides. (Well the grey matter AND my heart/soul!)

I would like safety and security, yes long for that, but also realize that doesn't come with the stock market and our impending recession, with any kind of job title or position... a gentle whisper in the wind, "I knew you first" reminds me of my Creator and His all-sufficient love and provision as an act of His love. Something in me clings to that, my faith clings to that and my grey matter can attest to that.

May life be kind and gracious rather than safe and secure!

A quote I've recently read and reread and pondered and settled on-
"Man's freedom is never in being saved troubles, but it is the freedom to take trouble for his own good, to make the trouble an element in his joy..." -Rabindranath Tagore

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

GA and SC

Yep, Savannah and Hitlon Head, checked those out now check them off the list. Not that I want to live my life from a list, but yes, check 'em off! Jennifer and I headed out a few days after the new year and spent an extremely cold 2 days in Savannah. It was 18 degrees and my lips felt like they were going to freeze every time I took a sip of my hot coffee. We decided to cross the bridge into South Carolina to "touch down" and then figured, "We've come this far, let's go to Hilton Head and see what that's all about." Still COLD! :)

We really are freezing in this picture!

At Lulu's for some hot fondue to warm up the frozen fingers! The streets of Savannah were bare affording us excellent service in the little dessert house.

Outside The Six Pence Pub, backdrop for a scene from "Something to Talk About" with Julia Roberts. No doubt, the closest I will come to ever being in a movie with Ms. Roberts!

We had a great time despite the frost bite and it being a short trip. We'd both talked about a Savannah tour and it seemed it needed to happen sooner than later as I start making plans to head west.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Here's to another year filled with experience, celebrating relationships -new and old, and the process of becoming all that we were created to be! My love, my love, my love!