Monday, October 26, 2009
Looking through old computer folders
most of my times begin in the war zone…I show up with a sour attitude which I’m not proud of and say “ok, God, I’m here” and I just sit for a while and stare at scripture that does not penetrate my caged heart. But then I start to confess my perceived thoughts of a God who is not near and does not care and will not show up and I actually here what I am saying and realize my experience is to the contrary and my heart softens as I am honest with the One who created me, knit me together fiber for fiber, gave me the emotions I live with, the attitude that perpetuates my problems, the heart that beats in my ears when all is silent
Showing up is so important, transformation follows.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Press fruit and you get juice.
Ok, I'm not about to teach you anything from statistics or anatomy tonight, but none-the-less, a download before I drift toward coveted sleep.
Life these days looks like:
-pages and pages of reading
-stacks of papers
-ti 89 calculators
-lots of eraser bits (mistakes:) )
-enya (pandora)
-an awkward walk (due to a shoulder bag filled with 50lbs of books)
-orange highlighters
-pretty coffee
AND me! Wrapped up in a scarf, tucked under a hat, iphone beating to the rhythms of Enya, propped on chair, hugging a mug, lost in my own world as I chase Him who has inspired this fresh, exhilarating path...which includes...
-pages and pages of reading
-stacks of papers
-ti 89 calculators
-lots of eraser bits (mistakes:) )
-enya (pandora)
-an awkward walk (due to a shoulder bag filled with 50lbs of books)
-orange highlighters
-pretty coffee
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
This time of year...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Thinking much on prayer
Mark 11
22 Jesus was matter-of-fact: “Embrace this God-life. Really embrace it, 23 and nothing will be too much for you. This mountain, for instance: Just say, ‘Go jump in the lake’—no shuffling or shilly-shallying—and it’s as good as done. 24 That’s why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you’ll get God’s everything. 25 And when you assume the posture of prayer, remember that it’s not all asking. If you have anything against someone, forgive—only then will your heavenly Father be inclined to also wipe your slate clean of sins.”
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Hooray Tech Savvy
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
June Photos- Post #1
Annie, Steph, and Gretchen celebrating Annie's "30.5"!
Jill, Stephen, and Annie.
Where is June? {Post #2}
June went by much too swiftly, but was filled with fun. I am enjoying my neighborhood, I am enjoying the house, I am enjoying my housemates, and I am taking in more and more of Portland every week.
New ideas surface constantly. Some stick while most fade. Most recently has been a return to the ever occuring perplexity and wonder of prayer. A very good friend and I are beginning to meet every other week early on Friday mornings to talk about those things which we feel drive our existence ie faith and aspects of a life lived turned toward Jesus. We aren't meeting to explain to each other what we think are the answers, it seems more questions than answers rise out of our conversations and that is thanks to a bit more wisdom as time passes. It's GOOD to have someone to process with and thankfully I am surrounded by people who walk that path alongside me.
A great friend is one who walks with you asking you questions all along the way and allowing you to come to your own determination.
And, I keep coming back to the idea of school. I am ultimately headed that direction and have released the need to fix it into a time table and instead am discovering the possibilities. That's all I'll share on that for now. I need to work out my own way before I am swayed by too many opinions. And, I need to be sure of it myself before I allow others to fasten the idea as a fact instead of just a possibility!
So, July- here you are and I can already hear celebrations of Independence Day.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
movement to a beautiful house with some great ladies. i'm so glad to be in a house and it's wonderful to have roommates again.
movement up a hill with some co-workers yesterday, the gorge on the WA side and a trek up Hamilton's mountain. waterfalls to keep us energized and a great view from the top. i'm planning to take advantage of living in the nw again and it's soon summertime!
movement toward fullest life possible. i'm in a continued conversation with my Creator as to how i might best live each year, each day of the year, each hour of the day, each minute of the hour. life, a gift, and i want to love well and live well.
because i am alive, i will...
Sunday, April 05, 2009
You should be FIRED...
Monday, March 30, 2009
away today...

sitting here at Skamania lodge with a fire and a view of the Columbia
yet my soul is a bit disturbed from these old writings..."Dream of all
Dreams" WOW!!! Not what I dream about these days. Why have I spent so
much time in angst over what God was up to in my life. I get the
feeling I missed out on some living, but then am reminded of the
process of the journey. That immaturity, ridiculous prayers and
dreams, stages, chapters, and growth are just a part of life and
living. I think it's safe to say, I truly feel alive and in my own
skin thanks to escaping my 20's!!! And partly thanks to those old
journals that (though painful to reread) allowed me to empty myself
onto a page. I will look back at these years and feel some of the
same, some pain from prayers seemingly unattended to by the hand of my
Father, yet with swells of hope for the life He IS giving.
I'm sitting with 1 question today and have not been able to wrangle
the many thoughts into a simple answer. The question, "What RIDICULOUS
prayer are you praying in this season?". It's not that I am unaware of
my wants desires needs etc, but how do you answer that...what is so
ridiculous that the only way to explain it is "but God." And how can I
simplify it into 1 ridiculous prayer when truthfully there are
potentially many. But God, so capable "and the reality is nothing is
too difficult for God." So, pray away I will, all my ridiculous
prayers, and be happy to live in to life as I wish I might have in
those old journals.
Sent from my iPhone
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Blog #2 for Today (INSPIRATION SWELLS)

Cocoa Beach Board Walk

Above: cable for zip line through canopies in Costa Rica. The bar is where my left hand held tight over the canyon below! Could not see where the end was...

Powers, the road running along the Coquille River.
A few steps beyond my own...

Monday, March 16, 2009
And spring cleaning!!! Actually, I don't think I have any spring cleaning to do because it tends to happen monthly in my world. I don't know why, but I love getting rid of stuff that I no longer have use for. I think it's the idea that someone else could probably get more use out of this _________ that's been sitting in the closet for the last year. Minimalism becomes me. In fact, I have a feeling (have recently owned the feeling) regarding a particular neurotic pressure...I feel pressure to read everything that comes in the mail...fliers, magazines (cover to cover), inserts...not necessarily ads, thankfully etc. And I've realized this stems from that innate psycholocial pressure to get rid of things. Read the magazine and put it away. Read the mail and put it in the recycling bin. I do not like things to pile up. Alas, I am quite unsuccessful in this and am learning to let it go! It's so insignificant in life! Yes, there are magazines on my table and bits of mail still to be read! I'd really rather be outside as life springs up than sitting in my place reading cover to cover!
P.S. It's a bad idea for you to send me a subscription to the Oregonian!:)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The 'fish' that got away...
On another note, one thing I'm realizing in my return to the big city of PDX is the concept of "I know no strangers." Sure, there are strangers, but I either run into someone I know, am somehow connected to a new face through a mutual friend, or I just make new friends quickly. Let me see if I can explain....
The past few days, I have had a friend from the Bandon Dunes (one of the chefs I worked with) visiting and we ate our way through Portland. Last night, we headed out for a lovely evening at a local, small, wine bar just down the street from my place. It was dead all evening so the owner pulled up a chair and began to enlighten our present understanding of food and wine. Quite entertaining and informative. Fairly quickly, we had another person join the table, then another and another. All of the 'joiners' knew each other because they were all studying for their master's in wine...Sommeliers (pronounced so-mall-yay...basically). It really was facinating to hear the process and all the elements that go into producing wine. Well, we ended up spending the entire evening sitting there with strangers, talking as if we'd all known each other for years. I often wonder about situation like this and ask, "how did that happen," but more importantly am pleased that it does.

Saturday, February 28, 2009
short thoughts

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Keep checking me, I'm lining them up so you're not bombarded with one blog update!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Something is Brewing
The last few weeks, there have been a handful of nights where I've woken up at 4:30AM for no apparent reason. I'm just far enough "out there" to believe that sometimes God has something to do with those early stirrings. I've actually asked on occasion for Him to wake me if there's something I need to pray for or listen for. It's in those midnight hours where white noise ceases to exist, my thoughts have stopped running in circles, and I'm too out of it to be concerned about the next days events...that's when He slides in and stirs. It's exciting to me as well, I feel like I get to partner in something bigger than my individual life and daily stresses. So......I......Pray. Whatever/whoever comes to mind. And then I sensed Him asking, "Steph, what do you need?" And I answered listing off things in my life that I'd like to see some answered prayer, specifically in the line of a job. And then as I rambled on with my list, I sensed Him bending the question, "Steph, what does you heart need?" I instantly knew the answer! God I need to know You care about my little life and circumstances right now. I really need to see you step in the gap and move on my behalf.
I believe He is and will fill in where I have need. I've been reading through Colossians over and over the last 6 weeks. Sometimes verses just stick and the one hanging on my thoughts...
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness. -Col. 2:6
That's something I can chew on for...a year perhaps! What does it mean for my life to receive Christ? How do I live and continue to live in Him? Hard times? Easy times? How am I rooted in Him? What/who is part of the process of my being built up in Him? How am I strengthened in the faith? Am I overflowing with thankfulness? When I look around, is life simple (as it should be) and am I grateful as I should be?