Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Where is June? {Post #2}

I totally missed any kind of random release of thoughts in June. I'm gettting more and more out of the habit of getting on here to process and I miss it, I do. I keep telling myself I will write an update once a week...if for no other reason than it being an outlet that I allow (mostly) free-flowing thoughts, as well as strange and passion filled hopes, reflections, and contemplations.

June went by much too swiftly, but was filled with fun. I am enjoying my neighborhood, I am enjoying the house, I am enjoying my housemates, and I am taking in more and more of Portland every week.

New ideas surface constantly. Some stick while most fade. Most recently has been a return to the ever occuring perplexity and wonder of prayer. A very good friend and I are beginning to meet every other week early on Friday mornings to talk about those things which we feel drive our existence ie faith and aspects of a life lived turned toward Jesus. We aren't meeting to explain to each other what we think are the answers, it seems more questions than answers rise out of our conversations and that is thanks to a bit more wisdom as time passes. It's GOOD to have someone to process with and thankfully I am surrounded by people who walk that path alongside me.

A great friend is one who walks with you asking you questions all along the way and allowing you to come to your own determination.

And, I keep coming back to the idea of school. I am ultimately headed that direction and have released the need to fix it into a time table and instead am discovering the possibilities. That's all I'll share on that for now. I need to work out my own way before I am swayed by too many opinions. And, I need to be sure of it myself before I allow others to fasten the idea as a fact instead of just a possibility!

So, July- here you are and I can already hear celebrations of Independence Day.

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