You can find me there doing one of two things, sitting with a book and pen or chatting over coffee. Starbucks, we love it and loathe it. It isn't always the best cup of coffee, but we love to go there and meet people. It is the well of our day, the watering hole, the place you wanna go where everybody knows your name. (And they give you free drinks if you haven't been in for a while!) The loathsome piece, $$$ and they generally keep the place at near freezing temperatures!
(So, I enjoy the outdoors.)

Anita and I enjoyed the Starbucks out my front door! In Bern Switzerland they have only one and she said it is very expensive. I think she made a daily trip, some without me! The simple things, a cup of coffee, can make your day.

We had a great time putt-putt golfing. I even made a hole in one! Pure skill...ok ok I mean luck!

Downtown Orlando around Lake Eola.

I have this great breakfast place to take you to when you make your own pancakes and they are delicious. Damien's morning special, Blueberry cakes.

Lounging on the best couch in the world before heading out to music and bbq...we must have been waiting on Damien. :) (seriously...I know I said STUFF doesn't matter, but this couch is a GOOD couch:) )
Had a great visit with those two. Fun to catch up and connect again. Crazy to think we only spent a few weeks together in Costa Rica, but those first two weeks were the scariest and I was so happy to have met Anita the first day of classes and Damien soon there after. Anita was here almost a week before Damien joined us. During that week we spent so much time simply visiting. I was looking through her Florida travel book and came across a picture of myself she had taken in our little classroom. I just laughed and pointed to the picture! Her response, "I didn't know if I'd recognize you so I brought a picture." I really am looking forward to a vacation to Switzerland in the near future......The world continues to grow smaller!
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