My fish died while I was in Puerto Rico. I had a fish, did I mention that on here yet, and called it Nicoya. The fish didn't eat a whole lot, never when I was watching and sprinkled its food on the water's surface. I wondered how it was surviving. I took the lack of interest in food as a sign that Nicoya was either in shock of a new environment (my wonderful home) or I had chosen an anorexic fish. :) I thought just maybe it would survive while I was gone, but when I walked in the door, the fish was, well, floating on the surface. Sorry Fish...good thing I didn't go for a dog yet! Really I believe I could take care of a dog, but I'm too selfish right now and like the freedom of roaming around the state, country, world. I think I'll try another fish first!
Music, I'm listening to some new piano music I just downloaded, George Winston-Forest. I've been waiting all week for a cd mom was sending in the mail. Nik, you did an incredible job creating a beautiful compilation of our memories with gramp. And Uncle Rog, you've always been good at finding the music that inspires, I love the songs Nik chose...I'm particularly drawn to vanilla...just the piano, so simple, pure. It is a language my soul loves to listen to. It's a curious thing why I was so pained by it growing up...I despised sitting there and practicing and unfortunately won that battle and found myself consumed in other things. I've got one of those lists (yeah, I know you're all surprised by that) of things to do before I die. I'm doing ok on the travel part :)...anyway, learning the piano is on that list so maybe one day I will play.
I'm including a few more pics from P.R.
Playa Flamenco, outside of Dewey, Culebra Island, Puerto Rico...

This was taken from our window. Sure, at first glance this "Hotel Opportunity" looks like a great find. Quaint, lots of character, probably some original floors with old staircases etc. HOWEVER, that little place off to the right...yeah well we discovered through the night that they play really loud reggaeton the entire night...CAVEAT EMPTOR, let the buyer beware!