Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tropical Storm Ernesto
I have been waiting to see what Ernesto was going to bring, but it has settled down and we are expecting rain and some wind today. Kids are out of school as a precaution, but business continues as usual. I want to write more, but need to get to work. Will be in touch more...having writer's block this morning!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
A Post...FINALLY, I know!
Yes, life has been busy here with work. This job has a steep learning curve and I still feel like I'm at the base of the mountain! I have wanted to write and update all of you, but my only access to the internet is here at work or the coffee shop (which I haven't been to in weeks!). Once 5 o'clock rolls around, I am out the door and need to get away and unwind. I came back tonight though, now that everyone is gone and I can catch up on email and posting!
I spent last weekend with Allison and Drew in Tampa. I worked with Allison at Brad's office and spent time with Drew at Young Life's Malibu camp in Canada. They moved here about 3 years ago and I had stayed in loose contact with Allison. I called them up right away when I knew I was headed this way and they invited me over for a weekend. They took me to a pizza restaurant that was straight out of old house turned restaurant, various booths, old record covers used for menus (I had "We are the World" yeah Stevie Wonder!), and your typical Portland servers! Kind of alternative on the edge of grunge. I loved it! Saturday, we sat around the breakfast table for a few hours !!! and then went to a beautiful beach, Ft. Desoto, on the gulf side. Warm, white-sand, sunshine, and a few sprinkles! It was just wonderful to see some familiar faces and reminise. It was much needed time away!
It is nice to be here close to some cities I want to travel to see. I got a cheap flight to go visit Lauren Heerlein in Nashville (and Chuck, Val, and Riley-former youth pastor and fam from Vancouver) over Labor day weekend. Lauren has a whole list of things to show me around town and I'm so excited! I don't know what it is about Nashville... some sort of charm to the city. I'll post some picture of the city...I need to do the same with Orlando!
I will post again soon! :)
Looking through recent pics...I had to include this pic. This is from my going away BBQ at home. I was able to catch it before Jackson escaped the girls!

Soon-to-be-parents. I hear tomorrow is the big day! Congrats to Ram and Andrea! We will finally get to hear what this little guys name is!
I spent last weekend with Allison and Drew in Tampa. I worked with Allison at Brad's office and spent time with Drew at Young Life's Malibu camp in Canada. They moved here about 3 years ago and I had stayed in loose contact with Allison. I called them up right away when I knew I was headed this way and they invited me over for a weekend. They took me to a pizza restaurant that was straight out of old house turned restaurant, various booths, old record covers used for menus (I had "We are the World" yeah Stevie Wonder!), and your typical Portland servers! Kind of alternative on the edge of grunge. I loved it! Saturday, we sat around the breakfast table for a few hours !!! and then went to a beautiful beach, Ft. Desoto, on the gulf side. Warm, white-sand, sunshine, and a few sprinkles! It was just wonderful to see some familiar faces and reminise. It was much needed time away!
It is nice to be here close to some cities I want to travel to see. I got a cheap flight to go visit Lauren Heerlein in Nashville (and Chuck, Val, and Riley-former youth pastor and fam from Vancouver) over Labor day weekend. Lauren has a whole list of things to show me around town and I'm so excited! I don't know what it is about Nashville... some sort of charm to the city. I'll post some picture of the city...I need to do the same with Orlando!
I will post again soon! :)
Looking through recent pics...I had to include this pic. This is from my going away BBQ at home. I was able to catch it before Jackson escaped the girls!

Soon-to-be-parents. I hear tomorrow is the big day! Congrats to Ram and Andrea! We will finally get to hear what this little guys name is!

Sunday, August 13, 2006
What a difference!
What a difference a few pieces of furniture, cooking utensils, and my bed makes! I spent the majority of the weekend unpacking all the boxes and other than 3 boxes of books (which don't currently have a place to sit) I'm unpacked. It feels good. I came home from church today and read a book on my couch! I explored some more yesterday and met a gal for lunch at Tijuana Flats. Tonight, I'm sitting in the Resource Center using the computer and just signed up for the Disney 2007 Marathon! I don't know if I'm crazy or not, but Greg, his daughter Erin, and another gal, Sandra are training as well. Now that I've clicked on the "submit" button, I'm feeling excited. I hear it is an easy course (if there is such a marathon) because it is flat and you run through all 4 theme parks. It will be a great way to see all the parks and a wonderful distraction.
Until next time...Happy Monday!
Until next time...Happy Monday!
Friday, August 11, 2006
It's Here!!!
Quick update. My belongings arrived late last night at about 10PM. Thanks God and thanks to Katie, Bill, Colin, and Travis for the help unloading and comic relief. I was so glad to have others there, especially at night. Next time I do this, I know what I won't be doing! What a mess, but so grateful and glad to finally put this behind me. So, when you come to see me now, I have dishes to set the table for some wonderful food and conversation. Appreciate all your prayers and thoughtful concern.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Just talking and thanking you today!
Hello! I am doing well here and feeling more adjusted, more settled in the office, finding community and watching God draw a group of people together from all over the country. I continue to experience people who are really looking out for me and caring for me.
Do you ever have those times in life where the web that is created around your life, all the complexity, all the things that don't make sense and then through time, some are brought into clarity. Personally, after all the time of wondering (and what felt like wandering) what and where life was taking me, I have such a peace in where I am stading right now. Seems to come in waves throughout life, but is good when it comes. This past weekend we had a group gathering with folks here and those moving here who will be a part of the church plant. What a great group of people, it will be fun to be a part of what is forming.
Having said that, there are still moments when I am alone and am aware of it. I think not having a tv in the background or furniture all around makes me more aware. I sat at the dinner table a few nights ago and wished for take my dinner outside and sit with folks. Good news though! I've spotted a neighbor who was quick to run into her apartment just across from mine, but I'll catch her next time to introduce myself!:) Also, I've been working out in the condo workout room and have met a couple gals there. So, I'm meeting people!!!
This blog has given me a real opportunity to "speak" my heart in ways in the past I have not had opportunity or maybe I should say have not taken opportunity. As my captive audience, I thank you for listening. I have grown so much in learning how to be courageous and speak. Something that was totally necessary to make the move I just made. Sometimes I lack the courage to say what my heart truely feels for fear, being vulnerable and being held accountable to my somewhat passionate perspective. What a great experience it has been for me though! In some way I hope and pray you are encouraged and blessed as you read and follow along.
I keep moving forward, always moving forward, with the knowledge of a history full of people who have led and encouraged and cared for my life in deeper ways than I'm sure each of you will ever know. Some of you make me laugh really hard, some of you listen intently as I process aloud, some of you talk to God on my behalf, some of you push me along, and you've all held my hand and/or heart at some point! Their are patterns and laws in this universe that are known and their are those that go without any pattern or way of knowing. One that we do know is that of the cycle. Sort of what goes around comes around. In this case, the way that you have touched my life...might it also be done to yours!
Do you ever have those times in life where the web that is created around your life, all the complexity, all the things that don't make sense and then through time, some are brought into clarity. Personally, after all the time of wondering (and what felt like wandering) what and where life was taking me, I have such a peace in where I am stading right now. Seems to come in waves throughout life, but is good when it comes. This past weekend we had a group gathering with folks here and those moving here who will be a part of the church plant. What a great group of people, it will be fun to be a part of what is forming.
Having said that, there are still moments when I am alone and am aware of it. I think not having a tv in the background or furniture all around makes me more aware. I sat at the dinner table a few nights ago and wished for take my dinner outside and sit with folks. Good news though! I've spotted a neighbor who was quick to run into her apartment just across from mine, but I'll catch her next time to introduce myself!:) Also, I've been working out in the condo workout room and have met a couple gals there. So, I'm meeting people!!!
This blog has given me a real opportunity to "speak" my heart in ways in the past I have not had opportunity or maybe I should say have not taken opportunity. As my captive audience, I thank you for listening. I have grown so much in learning how to be courageous and speak. Something that was totally necessary to make the move I just made. Sometimes I lack the courage to say what my heart truely feels for fear, being vulnerable and being held accountable to my somewhat passionate perspective. What a great experience it has been for me though! In some way I hope and pray you are encouraged and blessed as you read and follow along.
I keep moving forward, always moving forward, with the knowledge of a history full of people who have led and encouraged and cared for my life in deeper ways than I'm sure each of you will ever know. Some of you make me laugh really hard, some of you listen intently as I process aloud, some of you talk to God on my behalf, some of you push me along, and you've all held my hand and/or heart at some point! Their are patterns and laws in this universe that are known and their are those that go without any pattern or way of knowing. One that we do know is that of the cycle. Sort of what goes around comes around. In this case, the way that you have touched my life...might it also be done to yours!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Slowly Adding Furniture(@ Work & Home)
Hi all! Work is definately keeping me busy. We are getting closer to finishing everyday even though it feels like boxes keep showing up and old files appear out of nowhere. Here is the view from my desk!

My dining room table was delivered yesterday. Now I can sit and eat dinner at the table! I've been following the news about Castro stepping down from power tenatively while he recovers from will be interesting to see what plays out if he doesn't make it through. I've been trying (with others) to make plans to go to Cuba this fall...we'll see.

Many of you have been checking in on me this past week...thank you. I hope my posts on this blog don't sound depressing!:) I am surviving just fine. Sure there are emotions attached to all of this, but a deep sense of rightness (if that is a word) is present. Thanks for checking on me! I feels great to know others care so much!
Off to go get dinner!

My dining room table was delivered yesterday. Now I can sit and eat dinner at the table! I've been following the news about Castro stepping down from power tenatively while he recovers from will be interesting to see what plays out if he doesn't make it through. I've been trying (with others) to make plans to go to Cuba this fall...we'll see.

Many of you have been checking in on me this past week...thank you. I hope my posts on this blog don't sound depressing!:) I am surviving just fine. Sure there are emotions attached to all of this, but a deep sense of rightness (if that is a word) is present. Thanks for checking on me! I feels great to know others care so much!
Off to go get dinner!
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