Thursday, December 02, 2010

Some love...

…from our Thanksgiving day celebration.  Thanks to Nik and David for being such phenomenal hosts year after year!  And this year Auntie (pronounced "annie") Trish declared what has become tradition, the girls stuffing the bird in our p-jays.  I think we all filled up on the delicious hors d'oeuvres, but somehow we managed to nosh on the main dish.  A little collage and a little video for your viewing pleasure!  We sure missed those of you who weren't able to join us this year.

A lot to be thankful for.
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Anonymous said...

Thanks!! We LOVE it! The kids & I just checked out the collage & watched the video a couple of times! We LOVE YOU & miss you! Come back soon....XO

Anonymous said...

Wow... Steph maybe this stuff is your calling. It is wonderful to re play the day and smile . God has really blessed us. Thank you sweat heart ,Love Auntie Trish

Anonymous said...

I love it! Thanks for putting this together, and being so talented as to be able to do it! Hopefully you will be doing some of this from the orphanage next year, hint-hint.
Love, Sharon