Wednesday, March 26, 2008

God loves the details!

Our blond moment for this trip...
Steph-"Georgia, why are we in Georgia? Did we miss something?"
Lindy-"Let me look at the map (laughing)!"
Steph-"Georgia on my mind! How did we miss I-10?"

Ok, just a few miles too far on I-75 due to two old friends so engrossed in conversation and catching up on the heart issues that we cruised on by!

I have had the most interesting week so far...random divine encounter in a coffee shop led to fueling the passion and direction of my heart, even if ever so slightly. Today, waiting at the airport for Lindy, I ran into an old Oregon State campus pastor who happens to live in Orlando and is also headed back to Portland! God loves the details! My heart swells with encouragement this week..."For I know the plans, I will determine your steps, I will never leave you, faith...sure of what is hoped for-certain of the unseen."

Laying my head for rest in Mobile Alabama.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I SOOO wish I was a little bug in the car with you two! How funny! But how fun be enjoying everything so much & just oblivious to everything around you. It has been way too long for me in that "state of mind"...Interesting person to run into at the airport! I am sure your wheels are spinning (in more than one way on that one!!) Can't wait to get lost in conversation with you & hear your thoughts! Love & miss travels to both of you! Tell Lindy hello! XOXO, NTT