Florida has been good to me. I don't mean this cross-country move, uproot, flip-it-all-around has been easy, but Florida has been good to me. Sometimes I spend too much time thinking about times ahead and times behind, sometimes. Florida has given me the gift of getting to know myself and those times of thinking too much are giving me the freedom to be me. The older I get, the more I like myself. :) I think growing older is nice (Can you hear me preparing myself for #30?!?!?). Oh, these past few weeks I've pounded on these keys a lot, and I'd love to share that with you, sometime...maybe sometime soon.
Your'e BEAUTIFUL inside & OUT! I love you & am so very proud of you are! I look forward to checking out yoru blog & peek every day to see if you have left any wise words! You have a way with words. :-) All is well here. David's BIG FIRST day is tomorrow! Can hardly believe it is finally here & it really happening! So AWESOME for him! Well, hope to see you somtime this spring. I love you...NTT
Look at that hot woman and may i say such a hot purse too! Where did you get that? ;)
>love ya, Lauren
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