It is Monday and the weekend has passed, but what a great weekend it was. We held our annual State Youth Convention at the Rosen Centre Hotel on International Drive with, I believe, over a thousand middle and high school students in attendance from all over the state. I had two roles this weekend and I just loved doing both! The weekend was not a part of my paid job description, but because I work here, I was asked to help and privileged to do so. My biggest job was taking care of our speaker, the band, and our emcee. Friday night getting all of them there was the adrenaline rush! Two were flying in late, one band member lost her luggage on the flight down and then another switched rooms and lost her luggage in the hotel between floors and bellhops! EEEEEEEEEE She walked on stage with what felt like seconds to spare! My other job was leading the high school girls' session on Saturday morning which was also a ton of fun. So much personal experience came out in that time as I shared some about my life and reflected on the life of Esther. I had little sleep over the entirety of the weekend, but was energized at the same time.
I think I've mentioned Margaret on here before. She is the one who prayed for me even before I set foot in Florida and I still meet with her and Greg and another pastor on Thursday mornings for prayer! Finally, that's a pictures of her and I backstage in the "greenroom." She spent the weekend at the hotel praying for the whole thing!

This was our emcee for the weekend, Jeff. He kept me on my toes all weekend, but I had a blast running around after him! (Really Jeff, I did!) Jeff doesn't stop with the funny, but you know me...I did talk him into one serious conversation over breakfast!

Patrick (sitting), Bill, Maggie, Phil, and Steve. All but Patrick, are a part of GraceRiver Church here in Orlando. It was so much fun working this event with so many people on staff with the church or in the Resource Center. I'm just glad I still get to work with these folks and hopefully be a part of some more amazing events here in the near future! This was our hospitality suite and Bill made sure snacks were available all weekend when we could sneak away and grab a quick bite. Our only meal together was on Friday before the kids arrived and the madness began.
Can you believe the Christmas season is here. I'm so excited, it means I get to go home for a long visit and see so many of you! I have already put up some Christmas decor and I promise I will put pictures of my new place up this week. Just let me finish decorating and I'll take pictures then!
My love to you all.