In the hour between 3:30am and 4:30am, I tried to cover my head with my pillow. It didn't work. So, at about 4:30am I took off downstairs to find my ear buds in hopes that a little music and turning my fan on would shut out the barking. It sort of worked and then I guess I was tired enough to fall back into sleep.
In those awakened moments, I had one thought that continues to come to mind. I'm moving. Yes, again.
2006-WA to FL. Total moves=3 (Only a few months in my first apartment due to mold.)
2007-FL Total moves=0
2008-FL to OR. Total moves=3
2009 OR Total moves=1
2010 OR Total moves=1?
And you wonder why I pare down every moment I get?
That thought admittedly caused a bit of dread and panic. Moving, regardless of cross-country or across the street, is just plain hard. I'm praying God will surprise me with the ease of this one and I have no room to panic, I'm surrounded by friends who are more than willing to help, THANKFULLY.
Why am I moving AGAIN, you might ask. Many factors leading to this very simple ending. Our landlords want to sell the house we are currently occupying and Annie is walking through the process of purchasing a house. We are all packing up our residence and moving together.
Now that you have context, I went through a few more boxes in the basement today and then I decided to go through an old trunk that holds pictures from as far back as high school...and beyond. And I came across some gems I thought would be fun to put on here, since I told you last time I'd try to post more pics;)!
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Nikki Tylene and I before the shop, and fence, and sidewalk etc. I'm not sure how old we are, but I thought of Gracie and her now annual summer week in Powers (I'm lovin' my short shorts here too!).
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I was just talking about "housecoats" and how my mom used to wear them. Oddly, they cause a surge of home to run through my soul.
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And this picture made me laugh out loud...I look mad and bossy. I told one of my co-workers last week, "I feel like the older I get the more bossy I'm becoming." Watch out world! I actually wrote on the back of the picture, "We (our family) are headed to CB and Nathan wanted to take a picture of me. So I let him, but we were in a hurry. I'm not mad!"
Finally, a good ol' pic from Baker City 1995-Powers Girls' Basketball State Champs. WE HAD THE BEST FANS! I recognize a most of the bald heads. What precious memories these are and what a place to grow from…in some weird way, this photo makes me feel so loved! Thanks to all those "old geezers" for cheering on the ladies and pushing us to the top. Hats off to you!
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