Hey hey! It is summer here! (Oregon summer anyway!) which means that we have warm beautiful weather minus humidity. I think March has been one of the nicest months here so far. I haven't been on here much, don't feel like I have that much to share...same ol, same ol thing. I have another visitor this week. The second bedroom is definitely seeing its share of company. The weeks have been busy, and weekends, which is good on the one hand and on the other, I love low key days where I don't have anything planned!
Puerto Rico is only 3 weeks away and I'm imagining a restful, relaxing time. Turning 30 is going to be eventful! Yipee!

This is a pic from last weekend when Beth visited. We went to Cocoa Beach, Ron Jon's to buy frisbees, and then play and come close to hitting a few people! We need practice...I need practice! Love to all!