I used to pray that God would do it my way. Now, I pray that He'd move me His way...it is both adventure and obscurity. It's letting go of the perception of control I believe is mine and turning to an unmarked path toward an unknown yet hauntingly enticing Way with a Guide who knows and who is both constant and consistent. I am safe with Him in the midst of ashes and controversy-heart ache-joy-loss-anger-fear-peace-anxiety-love-hatred-celebration-beauty-gladness.
Psalm 125:1-2 The Message
"Those who trust in God are like Zion Mountain: nothing can move it, a rock-solid mountain you can always depend on. Mountains encircle Jerusalem, and God encircles his people-always has and always will."
I came across the above scripture earlier today as I stumbled upon a journal from a few years ago. I flipped open to the middle and read a prayer referencing a relationship I was currently in and asking God to deepen it if it was to His honor and would bring the two of us into a deeper place with Him. That relationship ended weeks later. An answer to prayer. Anyway, this post is not about that relationship.
The Psalm 125:1-2 reference reminds me Who is my Security. (However, in reference to said boy-those relationships are still not my security as much as they lure me into believing my life will be secure with another. This does not negate relationships, only where they find there right place.) I've been going through a great study with a few other gals discussing idols of the heart. You see, in our culture, it has been easy for me to believe that idols are something of other religions in which I do not participate. Upon further reflection, it has become evident that there are what seem to be more "subtle" idols in my life. I call them subtle because they are accepted by the mainstream of Christianity in our western society. These are many and varied depending on the person. In my particular reflections lately, it has been in regard to money and the false sense of security it provides me. Psalm 125 reminded me where my security comes from...God encircles His people! Think about that, being encircled by God-I can't think of a safer, more comfortable place to be. Yet, this does not say easy. It does not guarantee only the joyful, peaceful blessed life we have come to associate with Christian faith. No, it just promises God being and surrounding my life. I believe hardship is as much a part of the faith, we just forget it.
In Mark 10 (for context http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=mark%2010:17-31&version=NIV) Jesus says to His disciples, "I tell you the truth...no on who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields-and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life." My point here, why is it we tend to leave off persecutions in our message of the gospel? I'm learning that walking with Jesus is enough and necessary to make it through this life. Deep, deep down, I fear being comfortable. It means I'm trusting in my own ability to make it through life, lacking faith to let go of the unimportant things and cleave to the necessary thing-God Himself! There is a stirring happening to act in faith, to move outside of my own ability to make my life neat and perfectly situated to lead a comfortable life toward an abandonment for the stuff that will pass away in the end.
So, I am striving to find more in less. To practice giving my life away, both in a matter of time and presence as well as physical possession. I don't have a formula, only that this is what I want to practice though, admittedly, I am still stubborn holding on with fear. These possessions, which often assume to provide comfort and security, do less than that. They are for me often an anchor which holds. And the one thing that nags at me most, missing out on relationship, mission, and purpose because of my stuff. If I let go of my need for security, I become a vagabond ready and willing to roam wherever He may lead. My one precaution, I do not want to roam out of my own lust for adventure, but out of a responsibility to stand in the gap when necessary. (And I'm getting ahead of myself, it's that stirring that's going on. There will be more to share...)
My journal entry for 5.13.10
"Father- You are doing something and I don't want to ignore it!"
and for 5.17.10
"My security and trust-let it rest on and in God, who encircles me-always."
Leaving you with two final words that continue to be present in my daily thoughts, Nursing and Haiti. Pray He gives me wisdom.