Now, Come with me...
To a place I was before this began. It's 2004 and I'm outwardly living a live that makes sense to everyone around me. I'm working with an incredible group of people, in a small office, with my own office, a secure paycheck, a great one-bedroom apartment in a perfect old apartment building, surrounded by great neighbors who I share Saturday morning breakfasts with in the U-shaped courtyard outside my living room window, attending a good church, volunteering at a thriving youth group, and gathering with friends for fun and time together learning the Truths of the Gospel. I'm also beginning a journey of pain, solitude (though that would be disguised given my cirlce of friends and acquaintances), and inward darkness. I am about to enter a very trying-lonely time that NO ONE will be able to talk me out of or through and that I become increasingly convinced is for my ultimate good as I go "down and in" to dig at what my Heavenly Father has settled on my heart and my soul. I am ultimately optimistic as I trust His word-" all things God works for the good of those who love Him..."-Rom. 8:28 yet in my optimism I am confident that this will be a quick fix-fast lesson-getting on to the good, more important things. I
am doing-performing-my best in all the roles that I feel have been assigned to me or that I taken hold of myself for furthering my own pride, self advancement, and works for His Kingdom though beneath this beautiful veneer is a girl pushing to get her own way. And in getting my own way, I am seeking to find the non-existing balance between pleasing others, their expectations, myself, my expectations, and the God of the universe. AS IF HE IS SOMETHING TO BE BALANCED AMONG OTHER THINGS IN MY LIFE! I'm questioning so many things, right or wrong roads I've taken, careers I've sought, things I've participated in or bowed out of. And I'm living with a heart that is raging inside because outwardly I'm afraid to LIVE my fullest life possible. I wake up in the mornings and make my bed, yet at every turn of the sheet and fold of the blanket, I am haunted by my thoughts and reliving events that may seem trite to others, but are mind boggling-painful to the confusion that seems to be teeming around me. No, you would not see depression around me, I would not allow you to see it. I do not believe it to be, just a saddness at the life experiences that come with growth of all kinds. In my "get it done" fashion, I begin to make plans for things that seem ultimately sacrificial (mission trips to foreign lands) still hoping that in my checklist fashion-if I do something, God will return to me with something. I
end up on a team of fantastic people on my way to the forbidden island-Cuba. And upon returning from Cuba, I begin to plan another trip back to Cuba which ultimately lands me in Costa Rica. (Much of that story and all that ensued lies within these many posts!) All along I miss the importance of the TIME it takes for a heart to be transformed. The time it takes in being LONG with God in a prayer closet, just being with Him, not seeking a checklist of things to do and get done so that He might give me the next list of lessons to learn. I am beginning to see how dynamic relationship with God is, but am slow at learning and good at keeping my list handy. I continue to look for the places in life where I missed what God was doing and I lament on feeling my life will end without seeing a purpose, a driven force of being used for the good of others that they might now His life. But, I am not the most pleasant example nor do I feel confident to let you see my inside life and the struggles that come with the aforementioned balance. I am also aware, at these very moments I am not alltogether sure in my own life what really allowing Him to live through a life looks like. I know I want it, but can't seem to find the right checklist in order to tackle the dilemma. So, I keep searching and changing and trusting that at some point in time I will gather myself and realize I have arrived. At the same time I'm working to arrive, I'm beginning to learn and witness and dive into the fibers of my being. It is now 2006 and I'm living in Florida. As painful as it is, due to the unbelievable hurdles that accompanied me moving cross-country, I am simultaneously soothed and spurred. Soothed as God begins to unveil the order of my being- the things I'm good at because I was wired that way and the things I've learned to do because I thought them an expectation of my life. Spurred because my heart, though I try to tame and numb it, is still raging to LIVE! To live without concern for the reactions of others. To say I'm moving across the country and not be challenged in my pursuit. I am, after all, a warrior princess. I'm disgusted by the injustices in my own city and country, and baffled to tears by those injustices that I am only beginning to learn about because my countrymen (or at least those I associate with) do not like to talk about how we don't pass the bread-basket around to the rest of the world, how in our greed and gluttony we have created our own kinds of ailments-diabetes, obesity, etc., that we look the other way when a massive genocide takes place on another continent for fear of what, our own safety? For me, fear of losing my security in the stuff I've worked to gather around me. I have, afterall, finally purchased a sofa, and dining room set, and I'm working hard to look the part-fashion/fitness-that is the American Christian. Though at these same moments, I remember Cuba and how upon returning from the sights-smells-tastes-
feelings-people-I used every last bit of toothpaste before buying another tube because I realized what a privelege it was to have this commodity. I think back to my time staying at the home of a Costa Rican friend, out in the countryside where the girls give up there bed so that I might be comfortable and we feast for breakfast over coffee and a small loaf of fresh baked 'pan' (better known to us as bread). Thinking of the humidity I knew and experienced as I crank up the A/C on my condo thermostat. I work to justify these differences, but come up short. I live in the land of plenty, I partake in the plenty and do a few "self-less" acts to feel better. Here again, living by works. I continue to live, experience, strive, change, and yes grow. I hear Him speak to me in a few very critical points in my life. When I plead and beg and ask why?! why?! why?!---I am suddenly struck with the very awareness of the Holy Spirit in my life and His words to my audible questioning and crying. His answer, "I KNEW YOU FIRST." I am suddenly silenced and pacified. I respond with thankful, grateful, desire to be on mission for Him.

***I am sufficiently drained! It is good to look back and see growth, it also causes me to stumble through some of those trips and pictures (these from Cuba'04)
...especially as I watch Haiti and remember my own experiences in other cultures. It fuels a desire I do not yet know what to do with, but Father I trust that you are thoroughly in this. I believe You desire me to know You and to take part in loving others as You have loved me. I confess, I continue to have my plans and trust Your work and Your word, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." (Proverbs 19:21)