Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Oh yes, here you go!!! I know, I've been bad this past month. Lots on my mind with going home to see Gramp and shuffling through stuff here. Today has been a very busy day and my mind is still spinning. I've got tons to do at home and I have a French student counselor coming this weekend to spend 10 days with me. One of the gals at church is the coordinator for a French exchange programs. 53 students from France, along with their English teacher and a few counselors, are coming to Orlando on Saturday. I will be hosting one of the counselors and have already been in email contact with her. I've memories of being on the opposite end, so this will be fun! I might be going to France next spring ;) since this spring I will be in Puerto Rico. Maybe I'm destined to live in one of these laid back Spanish-speaking countries. My loyal travel friend Leah (who visited me in C.R. and drove me to FL) is going to help me celebrate turning 30 and explore the island of Puerto Rico with me for a quick 5 days! Turning 30 doesn't seem like it is going to be a big deal, but since it is a milestone I am going to do something I want and that doesn't include being in the U.S. on April 12th!:) No particular reason, just want to go and explore and not be sitting at home wondering if this is what turning 30 is supposed to be like. I'm writing the script this time! More adventures to tell you about through the tips of my fingers.

What a great trip home! It was so nice to see everyone and I especially loved seeing all those babies and little cousins. I don't know if I can get enough of them! Not enough hugs and kisses to last until July! It was great to see gramp too and have a window of opportunity to talk with him.

Off for now! You'll hear from me again soon. I did alot of writing this past month, just didn't put it on here. :) I'll share some of it soon!